Japan Mini-Tour 14-16.09.24

Better late than never, allow me to announce my upcoming Japan dates this September. Or, as we in the bunker call it: Next weekend.

Starting off in Shibuya, Tokyo on the 14th I’ll be playing a gig at Zubar together with Log.os, DJ Topgear and Mandy at Zubar.

Next up is Osaka on the 15th, though at time of writing I’m still waiting to hear back on details. If all goes ahead as planned it will happen at Environment 0g.

Last, not least, on the 16th I’ll be playing Kobe together with Sunao Inami (Controlled Voltage), DJ Vincent Jelen, _underline, VJ cafe13 at Katakamna

Come by if you’re near on those dates!

For latest updates, best follow on one of my SNS pages. https://linktr.ee/tomorohhidari